Exceptional situation with the coronavirus and its effects on UniCafe
How does the exceptional situation affect UniCafe? On this page you’ll find more information on the situation.
Janne Kajander/HYY
UniCafe serves on all campuses
Welcome to lunch, we are serving you on all campuses.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to know of any possible changes!
Take away student meals
Takeaway sales of student meals to continue until further notice. In the future, the meal subsidy can only be used for one meal per day.
Please wear a face mask
The University’s face mask recommendation has been updated on April 20th, 2022.
The University continues to recommend the use of protective face masks at your own discretion and in situations where several people are present in facilities and social distancing is impossible. By wearing a mask in congested situations, you protect yourself and others. Consider wearing a mask for your personal health and safety, especially if you are in a high-risk group.
Surgical masks, cloth masks and FFP2 respirators remain available to staff and students.
–Protective face mask recommendation, University of Helsinki
Show you care – keep your distance!
Make sure to leave a safety distance between yourself and others while visiting the restaurant.
Take away-lunch – this is how it works
1. check the menu at unicafe.fi
2. when you arrive, chooce your favourite from the daily options
3. you’ll find the takeout box at the counter, fill it up and you’re ready to pay at the cash desk
4. Enjoy when and where you want!
City of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care Division bulletins
Currently no reported cases of possible contagion.
Enjoy a carefree lunch in our restaurant
We at UniCafe are closely monitoring the situation and guidelines set for restaurant operators, and are working together with the leadership of the University of Helsinki.
Customer checklist
Let’s look after everyone’s safety together!
- Healthy visitors are welcome. Please stay at home if you have any symptoms associated with corona:
cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, muscle pain, stomach trouble, headache. - Maintain good hand hygiene. Please use hand sanitiser!
- Wear a face mask when visiting our restaurants
- Cough and sneeze correctly
If you sneeze or cough, use a disposable tissue. If one is not available, cover your mouth with your elbow. - Remember the safety distance
Please keep a safe distance (over 2 m) to other customers and to our staff. While enjoying your meal at the restaurant, please only sit with your own company. - We only accept card payments
- Please only touch what you must
According to THL (the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare) the best way to shield oneself from the virus and other respiratory infections is to wash one’s hands thoroughly and cough properly, for example, by coughing into the elbow or armpit). You can view the WHO’s guide on how to wash your hands properly here: www.who.int/gpsc/5may/How_To_HandWash_Poster.pdf
You can read the latest updates and news related to viral infections and the novel coronavirus at thl.fi/en/web/thlfi-en.