Give feedback to UniCafe

Help UniCafe to develop their operations and answer to a customer survey. Your opinion truly matters to us. We will develop and renew our operations based on the customer survey.
Since the last survey, we have listened our customers’ wishes: for example, there is now a quiet area in UniCafe Kaivopiha, we have updated our lunch menu at UniCafe Kaisa-talo and UniCafe Topelias, and extra lunch lines have been added in the UniCafe Olivia and UniCafe Meilahti. At the Kumpula campus, we have made changes to the UniCafe Chemicum staff restaurant. In addition, the menus of the newly opened UniCafe Biokeskus reflect the wishes of our Viikki customers residents for local and self-prepared food.
Those who provide their contact information can take part in a raffle, in which five respondents will win a lunch package: one package contains five UniCafe lunches, i.e. one week of free lunches.
The customer survey is running from October 28 to November 10.
Answer the survey: