UniCafe serves on all campuses – five restaurants open from 23 Aug

The number of open UniCafe restaurants increases to five when, in addition to Chemicum, Kaivopiha and Meilahti, also Biokeskus and Porthania open their doors on Monday 23 Aug.
Cafe Portaali is closed for now, cafe services at Biokeskus are available from the lunch restaurant.
Instead of dining at the restaurant, you can also grab a practical takeaway lunchbox to go. In accordance with Kela’s decision, takeaway sales of student meals can be continued under the exceptional circumstances caused by COVID-19. The exceptional procedures are in place until further notice, but no longer than until 31 Dec 2021.
Please keep in mind that you can buy a total of four subsidised takeout meals in one go: two for yourself and the same for a friend, as long as you show both of your student IDs when paying at the checkout.
You can find the up-to-date opening hours and lunch menus in each restaurant’s details on the UniCafe website at and on your mobile or tablet at menu.unicafe.fi. Any possible changes are also announced on UniCafe’s Facebook and Instagram.
Let’s take care of each other – do not move the tables or chairs, remember to keep safe distances and wear a face mask when queuing.
UniCafe restaurants’ opening hours:
Chemicum Mon–Fri 10:30 am–2 pm, lunch 10:30 am–2 pm
Kaivopiha Mon–Fri 11 am–5 pm, lunch 11 am–5 pm
Meilahti Mon–Fri 9 am–2 pm, lunch 10:30 am–2 pm
From 23 Aug:
Biokeskus Mon–Fri 8 am–2 pm, lunch 10:30 am–2 pm
Kaivopiha Mon–Fri 11 am–7 pm, lunch 11 am–7 pm
Porthania Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm, lunch 10:30 am–2:30 pm